Yuwashashtra works with families from remote areas of Mahakaushal and Satpuda regions of Madhya Pradesh. The program has detailed engagement module that spreads over multiple pre-designed interactions and self and group exercises. At the end of this communication, youth make career choice under a guidance of a designated mentor.
Yuwashashtra aims to guide rural youth from underprivileged areas so that they pursue vocations leading to growing futures. The purpose is to help youth identify and work on the strengths, weaknesses and make use of available opportunities, let them dream of secure and growing futures and pursue a vocation that matches with them. It believed that youth are family’s hope for the future and with guidance and linkages youth will bring about change in the life of their self, families, villages, and larger society. The purpose is to let each youth work with themselves and other around themselves and others around them and design a space so that they embark a meaningful and gainful life journey.